Monday, September 27, 2010

The Home Stretch

We had an ultra sound this morning. Garrett Douglas is estimated to be between 5.2 and 5.12 pounds. He wouldn't cooperate for measurements on his length but the technician feels that the measurements she did get are still consistent with his due date which means as of tomorrow i'm 36 weeks and considered full term! Given all that I have been through in this pregnancy I am amazed and so incredibly thankful to have gotten this far. It's been a long and worriseome road but along it I have gathered insight into my boys personality. For instance, I know that he is stubborn and a fighter. Given the personality of his sister I suppose this should have come as no surprise. I am so excited to meet my son and can't believe that it could be any day now!

1 comment:

Erin @Days to Remember said...

Oh wow, I didn't realize you were so far along already! Yay! You look great. :)