Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Welcome Scout!

I come from what some would consider to be a "big family." All together there were six of us. Mom and Dad, then us four kids. My little sisters are three and five years younger then I, and my brother and I are are 20 months apart. Though my relationshps with each of them are different in many ways, I consider each of my siblings to be one of my best friends. Though the age gap between my brother, Daniel and youngest sister, Angeleah is nearly seven years it's really never been an issue. Most likely because there has always been two siblings in between to mediate. Growing up my brother and I were inseperable, my middle sister, Catlin followed us, and Angeleah followed her. This resulted in all of us hanging out together, and for the most part getting along. I must have a thousand fond memories of our childhoods together. We were bonded. We did everything together. Though sometimes it was frustrating to realize there was always a sibling watching what you were doing, it was an amazing feeling to know that when push came to shove there'd without a doubt be one standing there behind you. When it comes to Gracie I've always said I have no regrets. This may be an exception. I was young when I had her, and not in a place to have another. I took care of us fine, but I knew with finances and even stress levels I couldn't handle more. Finally, three years later, I am and I hope it's not too late to give her one of the best thing I ever had.

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Gracie Girl

Three years ago I nursed you to sleep. I tucked you into bed beside me. Then, you were my baby.

Two years ago I sang “Gracie” as I rocked you to sleep in my arms. I laid you down in your crib and covered you. I checked back to make sure you were snug and warm. Then, you were my toddler.

Today, with only a few stories and a kiss you climbed into bed on your own. Now you’re my little girl.

After you were fast asleep I covered you up and placed Tang, your beloved stuffed tiger, in your arms. This is because in my heart you’ll always be my baby.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Winter Days

We’ve had a couple snow days this week. Cabin fever kicks in fast when living in a small apartment which makes staying in feel nearly impossible. Still, the opportunity to “take it easy” on account of the weather has been quite nice! We’ve done a lot of cooking and baking. Gracie loves helping out in the kitchen so it’s an excellent way to occupy her. Brian helped her to bake and decorate pink cupcakes one afternoon which I think was the high light of her entire week! She described them using the word “delectable.” Often I wonder where my sweet baby girl has gone and what has shaped the personality of the precious little girl I now see in her place. We’ve had a couple of snow ball fights and made a trip to the golf course to go sledding this week too. Winter is far from my favorite season but this one certainly hasn’t been without its highpoints! Still, I’m ready for summer!