Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Time

As holidays draw near, or stress intensifies, I generally find myself writing here.
I’m late on both counts – life has been crazy.

Mom was released from the hospital Saturday after a nearly two week stay for a cosmetic procedure that was supposed to be “same day.” Things with my mom are never that simple. She had complications with blood loss and infection. Despite being home now, she still requires a lot of care. She has a PIC line in her and receives IV antibiotics through it twice a day. Thank god for home health care – the nurses are a god send! The nurses have also reshaped Gracie’s career goals. My child, who previously wanted to be a doughnut, has now settled on a future career as a nurse. She practices on her baby dolls and reports that through her stethoscope she hears their hearts go “muah muah muah [kissing noises]”

Easter was Sunday. Gracie loved it. She was all about the Easter Bunny! Her video from Easter morning can be found here. Sunday afternoon Gracie went to an Easter Egg hunt at Young’s Dairy. The place was a mad house, but she had a competitive edge. All of my siblings were out there with her. Auntie Angeleah and Auntie Catlin both grabbed a Gracie arm and “flew” her through the masses of kids to the center of the field where she gathered eggs. At the end, Gracie shared her eggs with another little girl who hadn’t gotten any and made her way into the Springfield newspaper.