Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A New House

After about a month of looking we finally found a house. It’s got three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a fenced in yard like we wanted. It’s located in a nice neighborhood and is about a quarter of a mile away from the park where Brian and I got married. Overall I’d say it was a good find and I can’t wait to get settled in! Packing up this place and moving there however is definitely another story. I just haven’t found the motivation it’s going to take to do that yet. After nearly three years in our current apartment a lot of stuff has accumulated and the thought of sorting through and packing all of it overwhelms me. There’s just too much! I tried to break it down into smaller, more manageable lists today and right now my plan is to move through the house room to room packing all of the similar items. My goal for this week is to pack most of the books (I’ll have to leave 10 or so of Gracie’s out), and all of the movies and CD’s and to sort through our storage cage in the basement which contains Gracie’s old baby things. I have a feeling I’ll be making several trips to Goodwill! On a more positive note, we aren’t moving until the first week of September so I’ve got some time to pace myself. The trick is just going to be convincing myself to use it. It’s summer time, meaning it's nice out and there are so many things I’d rather be doing so we’ll see how it goes. Hopefully I can find a nice balance between getting this place packed up and giving Gracie the best last summer as an only child that I can.

1 comment:

Erin @Days to Remember said...

Congratulations on your new home! I hate packing and unpacking, but it will be great to get settled into the new place.